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Wesley Arning
Jun 14, 20207 min read
The Harvest & A Labor Shortage
The Church’s mission into the harvest field is borne out of Jesus’ compassion for people. He looked at them and loved them.

Wesley Arning
Jun 7, 20205 min read
Collective Sin & Trinitarian Unity
Even though we can look across our country, and across the world, and see how the human family is divided, the Trinitarian God is united.

Wesley Arning
May 31, 20207 min read
Pentecost with Lewis & Clark
We cannot canoe up a mountain, instead, we will have to adapt to our situation: to hold on to the essentials, to let some things go

Wesley Arning
May 24, 20207 min read
The Ascension
They understood that heaven and earth were two halves of God’s created world: two different yet interlocking dimensions of the creation.

Wesley Arning
May 17, 20207 min read
The Open Secret: Paul in Athens
It was, and is, available to anyone and everyone willing to leave even a slim possibility that there is more to life than just what we see

Wesley Arning
May 10, 20206 min read
Stephen: The Will to Forgive
Stephen’s life led up to this moment, and he was ready to forgive because he lived a life of forgiveness. He was filled with the Holy Spirit

Wesley Arning
May 3, 20207 min read
The Fundamentals of Faith
They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.

Wesley Arning
Apr 26, 20207 min read
Let's Walk to Emmaus
It’s on the journey that Jesus comes and walks beside us. He meets us on the road, where we already are, and when he pleases (and when we...

Wesley Arning
Apr 19, 20205 min read
Jesus of the Scars
A group of people who are locked in their home and living in fear and anxiety: does it sound familiar? Are we talking about John 20 or April

Wesley Arning
Apr 12, 202014 min read
God's Love in Action: Holy Week Sermons
He has shown us time and again during this Holy Week that his kingdom is rooted in the boundless love that is shared by the three persons of

Wesley Arning
Apr 5, 20205 min read
Palm Sunday: We Are The Crowd
It is faithfulness that we are called to. Not making demands or having our own plans and expectations for God, but simply to be faithful.

Wesley Arning
Mar 29, 20203 min read
A Meditation on Psalm 130
Crying from the depths, patiently waiting, and experiencing God’s loyal-love: these are all things we need to hear as a church in exile,

Wesley Arning
Mar 8, 20206 min read
Sermon #174: The Tornado & Psalm 121
I find it amazing when people who have lost everything, act as if they haven’t, in fact, lost everything. Even in the midst of the rubble, t

Wesley Arning
Mar 1, 20207 min read
Sermon #173: Lent & Jesus' Temptation
It’s a time where we call a spade a spade and accept that we are broken and in need of serious mending--that the reason we continue to sin..

Wesley Arning
Feb 26, 20204 min read
Ash Wednesday Meditation
For the next forty days, we need to do some soul care. We need to look inside ourselves and find the places that need healing...

Wesley Arning
Feb 16, 20209 min read
Sermon #171: Anger & Lust
Anger, like lust, simply happens, but in both cases, it is allowing it to continue to happen that Jesus challenges. And Jesus knows as well

Wesley Arning
Feb 3, 20207 min read
Sermon #170: Christian Joy
What is holding us captive today? Do we need to forgive someone, or forgive ourselves? Are we captive to anger or jealous or lust? What do y

Wesley Arning
Jan 27, 20207 min read
Sermon #169: Division & Unity in the Church
What doe it mean for there to be plurality and yet unity in the church? How can we, as a faithful church that is filled with a number of...

Wesley Arning
Jan 20, 20208 min read
Sermon #168: The Heart of Evangelism
Evangelism is not about knowing all the answers, or having the most complicated theological arguments memorized. It’s all about God and his

Wesley Arning
Jan 12, 20207 min read
Sermon #167: Jesus' Baptism
Though he didn’t need John’s baptism he was baptized to be more like us, and we are now baptized in order to be more like him.
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