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Wesley Arning
Feb 99 min read
Stop, Drop, & Follow
And so, Peter gives us a helpful lesson in discipleship: Stop, Drop, and Follow. There are so many things to hold onto, including all the

Wesley Arning
Jan 128 min read
Exile, Isolation, & God's Love Letter
Isaiah 43 is God’s love letter to anyone who has felt alone, unloved, forgotten, or in some form of exile. It is a grand reminder that you

Wesley Arning
Dec 25, 202411 min read
Christmas & Incarnational Hospitality
The reply that Mary and Joseph got at the door was, “Our guest room is full, but we will make room for you among us. Come in, come in, the

Wesley Arning
Dec 8, 20249 min read
O Morning Star
In Jesus, God’s glorious light was breaking in, and soon that knowledge would flood the whole world. Glory, Light, and Knowledge.

Wesley Arning
Dec 1, 20249 min read
Advent and The End of the World
This Time Between is a strange place to be, it is filled with uncertainty and a whole lot of stretching. But it’s exactly in this unsettling

Wesley Arning
Nov 10, 202410 min read
O Wisdom: How Only God Knows
To grow deeper with Jesus is to grow wiser. And I think that’s because, in a relationship with Jesus, we are first invited, and then command

Wesley Arning
Nov 3, 20247 min read
Saintly Runway Lights
Saints are like the Church’s runway lights. They are lights in the darkness that help lead people to safety and to our ultimate destination.

Wesley Arning
Oct 20, 20248 min read
The Right Impression in Mark 12
Our soul will take on the shape of whatever character we allow to be impressed upon us. We are wax being formed in the image of whatever we

Wesley Arning
Sep 30, 20245 min read
St. Michael & All Angels
The Feast Day of St. Michael and All Angels forces us to think bigger; to not put a limit on the infinite simply because we cannot underst

Wesley Arning
Sep 29, 202410 min read
Kingdom Leadership in Numbers 11
It appears that Moses is being taught a lesson about leadership in the Kingdom of God. It is given in order to be given away; responsibility

Wesley Arning
Sep 22, 20247 min read
God's Providence in Ruth 3
As we see in this chapter, God is working quietly behind the scenes. He is working through a very fraught

Wesley Arning
Aug 25, 20249 min read
Eat & Drink the Christ
Today’s reading is a great reminder of the totality of Jesus’ teaching, and a stern warning to anyone who assumes they know what’s going to

Wesley Arning
Jul 21, 20247 min read
Exploring Obadiah
Obadiah pointed to a future that he could not fully see. He could glimpse a bright morning star in the distance, ever so faintly amid the

Wesley Arning
Jun 23, 202410 min read
Taken Seriously with David & Goliath
Neither Saul nor his bravest warriors are willing to enter the valley as Israel’s “man between” against the 9-ft-9-in Philistine.

Wesley Arning
Jun 16, 20249 min read
The King Is Coming
There was a man, he said, who came to the entrance of a city, and he saw someone sitting at the gate and asked, “How goes it in the city?”

Wesley Arning
May 19, 20248 min read
Pentecost & Our Native Tongue
But the gift of language goes even further. What the Holy Spirit did that day and still does today is help us recover our first language.

Wesley Arning
Apr 7, 20248 min read
The Risen Stranger
There is an “otherness” to Jesus on this side of the grave, and it must be accepted that this is how it’s going to be. There’s no going back

Wesley Arning
Mar 31, 20248 min read
Come & See the Empty Tomb
The Christian message makes some outrageous claims if you think about it. We claim that the author of creation entered into our story.

Wesley Arning
Mar 17, 20248 min read
Death: Friend or Foe?
Because of Jesus, and only because of Jesus, can death be both friend and foe. Death is no longer a judgment on God’s people because Jesus

Wesley Arning
Mar 4, 20248 min read
The Temple & Jesus in John 2
At its purest level, the Temple in Jerusalem was meant to communicate God’s covenant faithfulness with his people. It would stand forever
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