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Wesley Arning
Feb 99 min read
Stop, Drop, & Follow
And so, Peter gives us a helpful lesson in discipleship: Stop, Drop, and Follow. There are so many things to hold onto, including all the

Wesley Arning
Jan 278 min read
Can Mercy Get You Canceled?
It's nearly impossible for American Christians not to filter a theological message through a political lens. The vocabulary of the right or

Wesley Arning
Jan 128 min read
Exile, Isolation, & God's Love Letter
Isaiah 43 is God’s love letter to anyone who has felt alone, unloved, forgotten, or in some form of exile. It is a grand reminder that youÂ

Wesley Arning
Dec 25, 202411 min read
Christmas & Incarnational Hospitality
The reply that Mary and Joseph got at the door was, “Our guest room is full, but we will make room for you among us. Come in, come in, the

Wesley Arning
Dec 8, 20249 min read
O Morning Star
In Jesus, God’s glorious light was breaking in, and soon that knowledge would flood the whole world. Glory, Light, and Knowledge.
Waters of Baptism Video Series
Featured Posts

May 28, 20225 min read
Baseball & Failing Well
We are not only formed by our failures, in fact, we limit ourselves when we fear failing. We take fewer risks in life, which may be golden

Feb 27, 20227 min read
The Cross & Ukraine
They aren’t delusional or disconnected from the stark realities of their country, but because of Jesus and his work on the cross, they are

Jan 17, 20226 min read
Red Hats and Rainbow Shirts
In a time of living amid differences, how do we move towards that which is pure and lovely and admirable together? I don't have a complete

Aug 30, 20215 min read
The Church's Front Porch
Like the song, pastors are saying that it really doesn’t matter where you’ve been or what has kept you from the ecclesia/ assembly.

May 7, 20208 min read
Moral Therapeutic Deism: An Observation
Even as messed up as we are God calls us to himself. But for that to be the case we must lay aside our own ambitions and desires and follow

Feb 6, 20205 min read
Crowded Table: A Lesson for the Church
This song embodies the language the the Church is using more and more to connect with a disconnected population.
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